The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam
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Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadحضرت مرزا غلام احمد

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be the Mujaddid of the fourteenth century Hijra. He claimed to fulfil in his person the prophecies of Islam relating to the coming of the Messiah among ...

De Ark van Noach
De Leringen van de Islam
Maulana Muhammad Ali مولانا محمد علی

Leadership: 03/May/1914 – 13/Oct/1951

Lifetime: Dec/1874 – 13/Oct/1951

The famous author of several world-renowned works on Islam, has acknowledged in the prefaces to many of his books that the man who drew him into the field of re ...
De Heilige Profeet Mohammad
Translation of The Prophet of Islam
De Islamietische Instelling van Het Gebed
Translation of The Islamic Institution of Prayer
De Islamitische Wetgeving Betreffende Huwelijk en Echtscheiding
Dutch Translation of Islamic Law of Marriage and Divorce
De Nieuwe Wereldorde
Translation of The New World Order
De Stichter van de Ahmadiya-Beweging
Translation of The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement
Een Handboek van de Hadies
Translation of A Manual of Hadith
Het Gebed en de Drie Wegen Naar Succes
Translation of The Prayer and the Three Ways to Success
Islam De Religie van de Mansheid
Translation of Islam the Religion of Humanity
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (Zijn Leven en Zijn Roeping)
Religion of Islamدین اسلام
Comprehensive and monumental work on the sources, principles and practices of Islam. " an extremely useful work, almost indispensable to the students of Islam." -- Dr Sir Muhammad Iqbal, renowned poet and philosopher. "Such a book is greatly needed when in many Muslim countries we see persons eager for the revival of Islam, making mistakes through lack of just this knowledge." -- Marmaduke Pickthall.
Wat is Ahmadiyya Beweging?
What is the Ahmadiyya Movement?
Pro. Dr.Abdul Karim Saeedپروفیسر ڈاکٹر عبدالکریم سعید

MRCP(UK), FRCP(London), FCPS(Pak)

5th Ameer/Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

Leadership: 03/Nov/2002 –

Lifetime: 28/Feb/1945 –

Hazrat Ameer (Head) Prof. Dr. A ...
Eid ul Fitr 1444 AH 2023
Eid ul Fitr Message, Ameer and President Worldwide Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
Ramadan 1444 AH 2023
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-e-Islam Lahore
The Holy Quran
Word by Word translation of the Qur'an
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